Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Land of 1 lake and 10,000 mosquitos


I have arrived in Kisumu on the shores of Lake Victoria. I am living with a new host family and our home is about 3 "blocks" from the lake. I have already seen two of the most spectacular sunsets here right on the lake.

I am working in a school, http://www.covenanthome.co.uk/about-us.php , check it out. Today was my second day. Yesterday I graded Form 1 (freshman) compositions all day and today I taught form 1 english! They told me an hour before the lesson that I would be teaching- crazy. But the lesson went well and the kids were very well behaved. I read a short story and then we had a discussion about tribalism and the harambee spirit and how harambee has the potential to defuse tribalism. Tribalism has divided the nation, created tribally aligned political parties and as you can imagine has given the largest tribe- the Kikuyu's- the most power historically and presently.

I am helping the kids restart their Journalism Club. I came to the cyber today to copy some old J202 notes (thanks Katy) and prepare a lecture for our next meeting. The kids are great and want to have a self-sufficient org when I leave- fantastic. I hope to get a newspaper up and running, but really don't know about printing facilities or if that is realistic at all...I'm sure I'll find out much more in the coming days.

Am I teaching tomorrow you ask? Well don't worry I don't know the answer either, they told me I'll find out in the morning. So the internship is a bit informal, but I'm ok with it as long as they are.
Today I met a mzungu at the school who is volunteering somewhere near here. She is a middle-aged woman from IL and immediately she tried to philanthropically show me up...telling me how often she donates/volunteers/comes to africa/what countries, man, she was like a firehouse of self-righteous volunteerism- anyways, I dont think I'll see her again, but I thought I'd mention that.

I took a motorcycle taxi to town today for the first time. Its about a 10/15 minute ride depending on road conditions. They are a little nerve racking...but that is public transportation here so I guess I'll roll with it (oh gross pun, disregard that).

oh ha! i almost forgot this! Apparently since we live so close to the lake, hippos walk up on shore at night and graze all around our fenced in yard! they are just there, that close, just like cows grazing, I haven't seen them yet, but hopefully I'll get some good photos when they do come. and believe me they are huge!

I have my own bedroom here and sleep under a mosquito net. I also spray down with DEET at night. I'm sure that's not good for me, but I don't really want malaria or any of that. And every morning (well twice now) that I wake up there is one mosquito inside the net....hopefully there will be no more. I bet everyone thinks I stink, "No I swear, its the DEET."

Everything is going well, internet is a little less available here, but I'll try to keep this updated.

Miss and love you all!

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